
Here is a list of the main vvvP features.

vvvP does not change your operating system in any way: everything is contained in the installation folder so you can be sure that it will not cause problems to other applications or to the operating system itself. The Windows version stores its settings in the registry, but this is harmless.

Images data are stored in catalogs. Each catalog is a single file, so it is easy to move it to another computer and it is easy to make backups.

The program stores the following data for each image:

  • A thumbnail image. The size of the stored thumbnail is configurable. Thumbnails can be shown in three different sizes: the viewing sizes are configurable.
  • Exif data created by the camera: date and time, exposure time, aperture and so on.
  • A SHA-1 hash: different files have different hashes so it can be used to know if the image file has changed. It is possible to check if the images have changed, for example for file corruption.
  • A user comment. It is possible to add comments to one or more images.
  • An optional 5-stars rating. It is possible to show only images with given ratings.

vvvP can handle RAW images. RAW files contain sensor data that must be decoded using custom software, but they also contain one or more image previews created by the camera. The number and size of preview images change from camera to camera. vvvP does not "develop" raw files, since this is outside the scope of such a program, but it uses the preview images embedded in the raw file to create its thumbnails and to show the images in the integrated viewer.
It is also possible to extract JPEG preview images from RAW files and copy them to a folder in the computer, for example to give them to other people.

vvvP handles two different locations for each image: a fixed and a removable one. In short it knows where to find the image in you computer's hard disk and in a removable device like a DVD disk.

Images can be arranged in a single, virtual file system. Each folder of this virtual file system can contain files from many disks so you can arrange your data in a simple and logical way. This is similar to the concept of categories used by other programs.

An integrated viewer window can show you the images, even at full screen. The viewer uses a high quality (Lanczos) interpolator, so images are always sharp and have a natural look.
The viewer is color managed, so it correctly handles embedded ICC color profiles.

It is possible to look for images that meet your specifications.

It is possible to select some images and copy them to a folder in the computer.

It is possible to select one or more images and open them (or a copy of the files) with an external program, chosen by a predefined list. For example it is possible to open a copy of an image in an image editor.

It is possible to delete or resize some thumbnails to save space in the catalog.

vvvP is available for Linux, OS X and Windows.

vvvP can be used to share catalogs among many computers connected in a network. It is possible to mix Linux, OS X and Windows computers in the network.

vvvP is very fast, even with very large catalogs. Data are stored in a relational database, designed to handle millions of rows, so retrieving your information will always be a quick task.

vvvP can show your images in five different views:

  • The first is the fixed view. This view shows the images as they are arranged in volumes that are always connected to the computer, like hard-disks. You can navigate in the folders structure and see the images contained in each folder.
  • The second is the removable view. This view shows the images as they are arranged in removable volumes like CD/DVD disks. Images in those volumes are usually not immediately available since you must insert the volume first. Like in the fixed view you can navigate in the folders structure and see the images contained in each folder.
  • The third is the virtual view. In this view everything is organized as a single virtual file system. You can create folders and you can assign images or folders to each virtual folder. You can assign the same image to more than one virtual folder, and each virtual folder can contain images that are stored in different disks. The virtual view is a powerful tool that will let you organize your data in a logical way: it will save you a lot of searches. The virtual view is similar to the categories concept used by other programs.
  • The fourth is the timeline view. This view shows a list of dates followed by the number of images taken in that date: click a date to show the images.
  • The fifth is the search view. In this view you can search the catalog looking for images that meet your specification.